Health Benefits of Taking Resveratrol Supplements

So you’re considering investing in your health through resveratrol supplements? I like your thinking. You probably have a few questions before jumping in and that’s where I come in.

Health benefits of resveratrol supplements - oh grape by groove

Before we begin, I should note that I am in no way a MD, Ph’D, Dr. or any other abbreviated title of that nature. Everything mentioned throughout this article is either my own experiences or research. This is the part where I’m stressing the point of doing your own research and consulting with some form of actual professional if you have any serious concerns.

What I can say though, is that I’ve been taking resveratrol supplements for a while now and for me, its working wonders! To give you a little back story, a while ago I came across this mysterious thing called resveratrol whilst researching for an article I posted on here about the health benefits of red wine. 

During that research I came across resveratrol, as it happens to be the main thing accredited to the healthy aspects of drinking red wine. After posting the article I was approached by the lovely people from Groove. Who have recently launched a resveratrol supplement of there own. And so they sent me some samples of their Oh Grape resveratrol supplement. After a bit of back and forth and product lovin’ Smartblend is now working in collaboration with Groove.

Which leads me to this post sponsored by the lovely people of groove. Now sure, I know what you’re thinking - “Wait, if a resveratrol supplement company is paying you to write about resveratrol supplements then surely you’re just going to say good things regardless”

I understand your thinking, but hear me out. I was writing this post about resveratrol supplements regardless, and groove is the resveratrol supplement I’m currently taking. I was always going to mention them. I’d like to make it clear that although we are in collaboration, we have made no agreements on the words I say. I will happily sit here and tell you that the resveratrol supplements are a load of sh*t and you shouldn’t buy them.

But alas. I don’t collaborate with products I don’t like, nor do I recommend products that don’t work for me. Resveratrol supplements do work. And in a sea of boring and old school branded supplements that are more confusing than a homeless man on house arrest, Oh grape is a shining beacon of unequivocal honesty and transparency.

25% Discount of resveratrol supplements

That being said, you can now get 25% of resveratrol supplement Oh Grape by groove using the discount code “SMARTBLEND” at the checkout page.

Grooves Oh Grape resveratrol supplements

What is Resveratrol

So introductions and discounts aside, what exactly is resveratrol? Resveratrol is a type of natural phenol and phytoalexin. This natural phenol can be found in foods such as blueberries, red wine grapes and chocolate and boasts an array of health benefits from immunity boosting benefits, to anti-aging and weight loss benefits.

Yes, this does indeed mean that you can now eat dark chocolate and drink red wine guilt free knowing you are getting a healthy dose of resveratrol. Somewhat guilt free anyway…

You see, Wine and chocolate are a great source of resveratrol, however they do come with contradictions. You have to eat and drink a fair amount of these to get a good dose of resveratrol and due to other elements such as sugar in chocolate and alcohol in wine. It has it’s drawbacks. That's where resveratrol supplements come in. Enabling you to get your daily dose of resveratrol without the negative connotations. 

Health benefits of resveratrol supplements

Below I’ve bullet pointed some noteworthy-stand out health benefits of taking resveratrol supplements:

  1. Resveratrol supplements may lower blood pressure

    Due to antioxidant properties, resveratrol may be great for lowering blood pressure.

  2. Resveratrol protects the brain

    This may partly be due to the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activity of resveratrol which studies have shown slow down cognitive decline and help with focus.

  3. Skincare benefits

    Polyphenols like Resveratrol are beneficial for skin health because they aid in repairing damaged skin whilst strengthening the skin. This boosts your overall skin health and curves that unavoidable skin aging process. Making resveratrol supplements a powerhouse for anti-aging and glowing complexion.

  4. Weight loss

    One of resveratrol's most favourable benefits is that there have been studies suggesting that resveratrol helps with transforming stubborn white fat into burnable brown fat. Which when taken alongside a healthy diet and exercise will help you burn fat quicker and more easily, especially at times when you find your weight loss plateauing.

Benefits of resveratrol supplements

Getting your daily dose of resveratrol via a supplement is a much more healthier and consistent way of getting it into your body. Your other options involve downing red wine every day whilst making a meal of chocolate. And although that sounds a lot more fun then taking a supplement, it’s not sustainable nor a great way to base a healthy diet.

The sad truth is that an average dose of resveratrol in a glass of wine amounts to almost nothing. In a litre of red wine you may find between 2mg and 8mg of resveratrol. Which is great, but to really feel these healthy benefits resveratrol is famed for, you’re going to need a lot more then that. Which is why using a resveratrol supplements is the easiest way to get a good dose. Groove’s Oh Grape in particular has 500mg per 2 capsules. A perfect daily dose to feel those benefits.

By my calculations, assuming the average litre of red wine has 5mg. That’s 100 litres of red wine you would need to drink every day to get the same amount as a daily serving of Oh Grape.

Here's a 90s vibe throw back infomercial video from the good folk at Groove to explain more about resveratrol and specifically Grooves resveratrol supplement which has added vitamins and magnesium. 

The best resveratrol supplement to take

This is the part where we get back to talking about our friends Groove. Oh Grape is my recommended resveratrol supplement brand because not only does it have 500mg of resveratrol per daily serving, it also has Vitamins D3 and C for cognitive functions and Magnesium which strengthens bone health. Making Oh Grape an immune boosting powerhouse. Something we all need in these times.

You can also set up a monthly subscription with Groove’s Oh Grape so you don’t need to think about restocking your resveratrol supplements every time you’re running low. One bottle of Oh Grape will last a whole month, by which point they will send another one.

Also did I mention you can get 25% discount on Oh Grape by using the code “SMARTBLEND” at the checkout page? I’m not sure I did... Just in case let me mention it again. You can get 25% discount on Oh Grape by using the code “SMARTBLEND” at the checkout page.


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